Or first ‘Tilt Comic’ iPhone/iPad app on sale.
Hi there,
As we all know the digital era is upon us and Jonathan Plackett and i have been working on some exciting digital projects that use these new technologies to tell beautiful, visual stories. We’ve just finished a short ’Tilt Comic’ application for the iPad and iPhone called ‘The First Witch’. In order to view each frame of the comic, the reader ’tilts’ the iPad up and down, giving the illusion of looking through a window into another world. You can get your own hand-drawn tilt comic for a mear £1.19!
iPhone version: http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/the-first-witch/id386649061
iPad version: http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/the-first-witch-hd/id385259441
Here it is in action on youTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPUBeJerD_g